Strategic Insights: 20 Social Media Mistakes Brands Must Sidestep

February 13, 2024

Navigating social media in search of success for your business is an art filled with hurdles. Picture yourself trying to dodge those empty “likes” and unravel the mysteries of algorithms, all while aiming for real and lasting results. Here, the goal isn’t just to shine momentarily but to build an authentic presence that truly propels your brand forward.

What if I told you that many stumble over the same obstacles?

Yes, even the most seasoned digital marketing veterans have found ourselves in a bind. But worry not, we’re here to spot and acknowledge these pitfalls.

Get ready for a journey where you’ll discover how to overcome the most common social media mistakes that might be holding your brand back, equipping yourself with strategic advice and practical tips.

Let’s dive in!


1. Not having a business goal

Imagine setting off on a road trip without a destination. You might have a full tank and a playlist, but without a clear goal, you’re likely to end up lost and frustrated. The same applies to social media. Jumping in without a plan is a classic social media mistake that can lead to wasted time and resources.

Many businesses fall into this trap, treating social media as a “must-do” checkbox rather than a strategic tool. They churn out content without considering who their target audience is or what they hope to achieve. This can lead to vanity metrics like high follower counts or video views that don’t translate into actual business goals.

Before you start crafting your next viral tweet, take a step back and ask yourself: What do you want to achieve with social media? Is it increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or boosting sales? Knowing your business goals is crucial for developing a targeted strategy that actually delivers results.

For example, if your goal is to sell anti-aging serum on your e-commerce store, TikTok might not be the best platform.

Instead, focus on understanding your target audience first. Who are you trying to reach? What are their interests and pain points? Where do they hang out online? Once you have a clear picture of this, you can choose the social media platforms where they’re most active and tailor your content accordingly.

Social media is a powerful tool, but only if you use it strategically. Don’t make the social media mistake of diving in without a plan. Take the time to define your goals, understand your audience, and develop a plan before you start posting.


2. Don’t align goals with tactics.

Having a business goal and a social media strategy is a great first step, but it’s not enough. Choosing the wrong tactics can derail your entire plan, making it a classic social media mistake.

Imagine wanting to increase brand awareness for a new product and setting a goal for video views. But then you promote those videos solely on disappearing Stories without captions. This tactical misstep makes achieving your goal nearly impossible.

The problem? Many businesses fall into the imitation trap. They jump on trends, join viral challenges, or create content that doesn’t resonate with their audience, all without considering if it aligns with their goals.

Just like defining goals, understanding available social media tools and features is crucial. Analyze which ones best suit your goals and target audience. For example, long-form educational videos might work well on YouTube, while quick product demos might be ideal for Instagram Reels.

Here’s the key: don’t be swayed by shiny objects. Choose tactics that strategically align with your goals. By doing so, you’ll avoid mismatched tactics and maximize your chances of success.


3. Not having a website

There’s an old Chinese proverb that says: “Don’t build a house on rented land.” The same applies to your business and social media. Relying solely on social media for your business presence is a risky social media mistake.


The ground beneath you could shift at any moment. The platform might change its rules, introduce new regulations, remove features, or even disappear entirely. Remember MySpace, Vine, or Google+? All once-mighty platforms that vanished into the digital ether.

Your website is your own land, your home base. You control its design, content, and accessibility. It’s not subject to the whims of external platforms.

This doesn’t mean you should abandon social media. Use it to promote your business and drive traffic to your website. Think of it as a powerful marketing tool, not your sole foundation.

Share website links regularly in your social media posts. Connect your website to your ad accounts for targeted campaigns. Build an audience on your website who you can reach directly, regardless of social media fluctuations.

Imagine a future where social media as we know it vanishes. With a strong website, your business will still stand, ready to weather any storm. Don’t make the social media mistake of building your house on rented land. Own your space. Build your website.


4. Not using the right networks

Jumping on every trendy social media platform – or using the wrong networks – is just another form of mismatched tactics; one that often leads to misaligned tactics (as we discussed earlier). Many businesses fall victim to the “everyone’s doing it” mentality without considering if it actually connects with their target audience.

Remember, social media’s purpose is building connections that drive business goals. Reaching the wrong people, or reaching the right people with the wrong message, is a waste of time and resources.

I once had a client, a metal road sign maker, who was drowning in content across various platforms – YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine… even Vine! They weren’t seeing much traction, and the results were unclear. After analysis, we discovered their ideal audience was likely on LinkedIn, the only platform they weren’t using!

The point? Focus starts with understanding your audience and goals. Consider your content creation capacity too. It’s easier to excel on one or two platforms than spread yourself thin across many.

Choose the right social media networks strategically, not based on trends or FOMO. Less is more when it comes to effective reach and engagement. By focusing on the right platforms with the right message, you’ll avoid the social media mistake of casting a wide, ineffective net.


5. Focusing on the wrong audience

Picking the wrong platforms might land you talking to the wrong audience, but even choosing the right network isn’t a guarantee. Cracking the code of your target audience is crucial, and that’s where many businesses stumble. They might be on the right platform, but their content fails to resonate, ultimately making it another common social media mistake.

Take another old client of mine, a women’s swimwear company. They boasted high engagement, but a closer look revealed 80% of their followers were men, many leaving inappropriate comments. Why? Their content focused on “sensual scenarios” appealing to the wrong audience.

The solution? A content shift towards topics women found interesting, even if some men deemed it “boring.” This attracted the right audience, resulting in meaningful engagement and sales.

Buying followers is another dangerous audience trap. Sure, a huge follower count might be tempting, but Syed Sighn from Pakistan (assuming he’s real and not a bot) won’t buy your product. Focus on building a smaller, engaged audience of potential customers – it’s far more valuable than a large, irrelevant one.

Focus on understanding your audience and creating content that resonates with them. Ditch the wrong crowd chasing and target the right people with the right message. This is the key to unlocking true social media success.


6. Focusing on quantity over quality

The rise of AI content creation tools can tempt businesses into flooding social media with low-quality content, a major social media mistake. Remember, content exists to connect with your audience, not just fill the void.

If your content lacks value, it will be ignored, leading to decreased engagement and algorithm penalties. You might miss out on showcasing truly valuable content because the algorithm thinks it won’t resonate.

Forget about the “X posts per day” formulas you find online. The magic number is whatever you can produce with quality that resonates with your audience.

Don’t get me wrong, perfection isn’t the goal. Imperfection can be authentic, and a phone-recorded video with real-life background noise might even connect better. Embrace what your audience enjoys!

But know your limits. Just because a meme did well doesn’t mean you need a daily meme barrage. A successful webinar doesn’t require weekly repeats, especially if there’s nothing new to offer.

Every piece of content needs a reason for being. Creating for the sake of it wastes resources and, ultimately, disengages your audience.

Focus on quality, not quantity. Craft content that resonates with your target audience, and watch your social media presence truly thrive.


7. Irrelevant content

Similar to the “quantity over quality” trap, businesses can fall prey to irrelevant content, another social media mistake. They hit the sweet spot for content frequency, but their focus is off-target.

They’ve got it all: clear goals, defined audience, chosen networks, and quality content… then suddenly, they veer off into irrelevant territory.

Can you imagine a bakery sharing real estate tips? Or a clothing store posting weather forecasts? Even if the content is high-quality, it’s disconnected from what your audience expects and why they follow you.

Sharing valuable content from others is perfectly fine, as long as it resonates with your audience and business. You can also have fun with memes and lighthearted content, but ensure it’s relevant to your brand and interests your target audience.

And as explained earlier, quality over quantity reigns supreme. Don’t sacrifice relevance for quantity. Focus on creating valuable, targeted content that keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.

8. Not repurposing content for each platform

Feeling the pressure to churn out content, businesses often commit the social media mistake of cloning content across all networks. This can lead to low engagement, wasted resources, and a perception of laziness from your audience.

Remember, each platform has its own unique features and audience preferences. Hashtags might be crucial on Instagram, but irrelevant on Facebook. A vertical video perfect for TikTok will look unprofessional on LinkedIn. Even character limits vary across platforms, requiring adaptation.

Instead of copy-pasting content, repurpose it strategically for each network. This doesn’t mean creating entirely new content, but adapting your core message to fit the platform’s format and audience expectations.

For example, a long blog post could be summarized into X threads, turned into a carousel of infographics for Instagram, or adapted into a script for a LinkedIn video.

By embracing platform-specific tailoring, you can maximize your content’s reach and impact, avoiding the pitfalls of generic, one-size-fits-all posting.


9. Too much self promotion

Effective marketing, including social media, hinges on a crucial principle: helping people solve their problems or fulfill their needs. Yet, many businesses fall into the social media mistake of solely focusing on self-promotion, neglecting the fundamental aspect of social interaction.

Remember, social media is about being social. It’s about connecting with real people, creating meaningful conversations, and offering genuine value. This means going beyond self-promotion and embracing the power of audience-centricity.

While promoting your brand and sharing company news is perfectly acceptable, do so in a way that demonstrates how your offerings address your target audience’s specific needs. It’s about them, not you.

But even well-crafted, needs-focused content shouldn’t be the only focus. Overly promotional communication can become tiresome, leading your audience to perceive you as out of touch with them and ultimately disengage.

To avoid this, actively share valuable content and information from other sources relevant to your audience’s interests. This doesn’t mean promoting competitors, but there’s a wealth of valuable industry insights and perspectives out there.

Remember, social media is a two-way street. Prioritize your audience by giving them what they want and engaging in genuine interactions. This builds relationships, fosters trust, and ultimately fuels successful marketing.


10. Not updating to the latest rules and features

Social media, like the digital landscape itself, is constantly evolving. A common social media mistake is getting stuck in outdated practices, making your content look obsolete and irrelevant. Staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success.

Take LinkedIn, for example. They now allow square images, offering a new format to break away from the horizontal norm. And consider the rise of vertical videos, perfect for platforms like Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

Remember, not every trend applies to every brand. If your audience isn’t consuming video content, don’t force it. Stick to your winning strategy. However, if your target audience is actively engaging with emerging formats, ignoring them could leave you behind.

Embrace new trends strategically. Experiment with different formats and styles, always keeping your target audience in mind. By staying updated and adapting, you avoid becoming a digital dinosaur and ensure your social media presence remains fresh and engaging.


11. Not engaging with your audience

Remember the “social” in “social media”? It’s more than just broadcasting messages; it’s about building connections through genuine two-way communication. Simply posting content and waiting for engagement is, unfortunately, a common social media mistake. This passive approach can leave you disconnected from your audience, ultimately leading to dwindling engagement.

The key to fostering engagement lies in crafting compelling content that sparks interaction. Think videos that captivate viewers, links that entice clicks, and posts that trigger meaningful conversations and sharing.

But it doesn’t stop there. Authentic interaction is crucial. Actively respond to comments and messages, show appreciation for audience contributions, and even consider featuring user-generated content that resonates with your brand.

When your audience feels heard and acknowledged, they’re more likely to keep engaging. This increased engagement can even snowball into virality on some platforms, exposing your content to new audiences through their connections.

So, ditch the one-way street mentality and embrace the power of two-way communication. Actively listen, respond, and connect with your audience to build a thriving social media presence.


12. Expecting hard conversions from a cold audiences

“Hard conversions” like purchases or personal data sharing require trust, something difficult to achieve with strangers on social media. Many businesses fall into the social media mistake of expecting immediate sales from cold audiences, forgetting the “social” aspect of the platform.

Imagine walking into a bar and proposing to the first person you see. Not likely to succeed, right? Social media should be similar: building rapport, showcasing your value, and fostering connections before asking for big commitments.

Instead of hard-selling to cold audiences, focus on warming them up. Engage in conversations, address their needs, and demonstrate expertise. Over time, as trust builds, they’ll be more receptive to your offerings.

This is especially true for paid advertising. Don’t expect instant sales from a single ad. Nurture leads through a sales funnel. Start with awareness campaigns, then move to building interest and consideration, and finally, gently nudge them towards conversion.

Remember, genuine interactions and trust-building are key to unlocking hard conversions on social media. Ditch the hard sell and focus on fostering meaningful connections – your audience will appreciate it, and your bottom line will too.


13. Don’t exclude audiences from your ad campaigns

Neglecting audience exclusion in your advertising campaigns is a common social media mistake that can drain your budget and annoy your audience. When you optimize for a specific goal, the platform aims your ads at users most likely to convert. But what if you forget to exclude those who already converted?

Imagine the platform showing your “buy subscription” ad to existing subscribers repeatedly. Algorithms see them as likely converters, but it’s a dead end.

While advanced targeting options promise automatic exclusion, it’s still crucial to actively manage your targeting. Don’t just exclude users who converted in the current campaign, consider past campaigns too.

Offer a new client discount? Existing clients seeing it is pointless (and potentially annoying). You’re paying for impressions that won’t convert.

This principle extends beyond social media. In Google Ads, consider excluding keywords that attract the wrong audience. For example, exclude “free” if you offer paid services, as free-seekers won’t be valuable leads.

Target strategically, exclude wisely, and optimize your budget. Focus on reaching new, relevant audiences who can truly benefit from your offerings. This way, your ads deliver impact without wasting resources on unfruitful retargeting loops.


14. Not using videos

The claim that video content is “harder to produce” no longer holds water. While professional-level videos require resources, modern smartphones and editing apps make creating engaging videos easier than ever. If your audience consumes video content, shying away is a common social media mistake.

The video trend is undeniable, especially with vertical formats like Reels and Shorts dominating platforms. Many of these videos can be created on the go with your phone, requiring minimal editing.

Think of video not as a Hollywood production, but as a dynamic way to showcase your brand. Capture behind-the-scenes glimpses, answer FAQs, offer product demos, or share user-generated content.

Benefits abound: increased engagement, wider reach, and deeper connections with your audience. Remember, videos can tell stories and evoke emotions in ways that text and images simply can’t.

So, embrace the power of video. Experiment, have fun, and see how it can revitalize your social media presence. You might be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your engagement and reach.


15. Using wrong videos

While embracing video is crucial, choosing the right approach is fundamental. Falling prey to the social media mistake of generic video content can leave your audience unengaged and scrolling past.

Attention spans are fleeting, especially in social media feeds. You have mere 1-2 seconds to grab viewers before they scroll past. This means ditching generic intros (logos, fades in, etc.) and lengthy messages. Instead, start with something impactful and attention-grabbing.

Remember to tailor your video length to the platform. What works on YouTube might not resonate on Instagram Reels. Adapt content to platform-specific preferences and keep it concise and engaging.

Know your audience intimately. What kind of video content do they connect with? Humor? Informative tutorials? User-generated content? Align your video themes with their interests to maximize engagement.

And don’t underestimate the power of captions! A significant portion of users watch social media with the sound off. Captions ensure your message is delivered regardless of audio settings.

By strategically crafting videos that resonate with your audience and specific platform, you can avoid the pitfalls of generic content and unlock the true potential of video in your social media strategy.


16. Ask for too much information when generating leads

Lead generation fuels many marketing strategies, offering enticing “lead magnets” in exchange for valuable user information. But in today’s data-driven world, users are increasingly wary of sharing personal details, especially with unfamiliar brands. Ignoring this fear produces a common social media mistake: over-demanding lead forms.

Remember, every additional field required reduces form completion rates. It doesn’t matter if it’s private or seemingly trivial – more fields equal fewer leads.

But quantity isn’t the only concern. The nature of the information also matters. The more personal or private the request, the lower the conversion rate, regardless of field count.

For example, requesting a phone number will likely garner fewer leads than an email address, as users perceive calls and messages as more intrusive. Asking for their home address? Forget it! (Yes, some companies actually do this!)

The key is balance. Start with essentials like name and email address. Offer compelling lead magnets that justify the information exchange. Consider progressive profiling, gradually collecting more details over time as trust builds.

By prioritizing user privacy and offering clear value, you can navigate the lead generation landscape effectively. Remember, respecting user trust is key to unlocking valuable connections and building a sustainable audience.


17. Offering wrong lead magnets

In the social media arena, lead magnets play a crucial role in capturing valuable user information. However, choosing the wrong magnet can turn this strategy into a costly social media mistake. Remember, users exchange their precious contact details for something genuinely valuable, not just any empty offer.

Imagine offering a lead magnet filled with readily available content, like an e-book repackaging your existing blog posts. Why would users trade their information when they can access such content freely?

Similarly, unrelated high-value magnets might attract a crowd, but the wrong one. An iPad giveaway might seem tempting, but it attracts individuals seeking the freebie, not those genuinely interested in your brand or offerings. This dilutes your audience, skews data, and ultimately yields limited value.

By strategically crafting lead magnets aligned with your brand and target audience, you can transform them from mere baits into powerful tools that attract, engage, and ultimately convert valuable leads into loyal customers.


18. Relying too much on IA and automation

While AI undoubtedly revolutionizes social media marketing, overreliance on automation can be another social media mistake. Remember, AI thrives on data and patterns, but sometimes, human understanding and experience offer invaluable insights.

Social media platforms and ad tools frequently bombard you with pre-programmed suggestions, painting dire consequences for ignoring them. Don’t get swept away by fear tactics! Often, these recommendations are generated by algorithms lacking the deeper context of your brand, audience, and unique business goals. They might mirror successful strategies for other companies, but without understanding their specific offerings and objectives, their relevance to your situation diminishes.

While automation certainly has its place, strategic oversight remains crucial. Broadly targeted ad campaigns, AI-generated content that lacks authenticity, and bot-driven responses might offer efficiency, but they rarely foster genuine connections or brand loyalty.

Ultimately, social media thrives on human connection. Leverage automation wisely, but never underestimate the power of personalized content, insightful engagement, and a genuine human voice. Strive for a balanced approach, where AI empowers your efforts but doesn’t replace the strategic thinking and understanding that only human minds can provide.


19. Not measuring results

Just like any other marketing activity, social media needs careful tracking and analysis to understand its impact on your bottom line.

While sales might not always be the sole social media goal, consider broader objectives like brand awareness, reputation management, or fostering audience engagement. Each goal requires a tailored set of metrics to track progress and measure success.

Unfortunately, many companies still operate social media accounts without a clear understanding of their return on investment. This lack of measurement hinders improvement, leaving you stuck in a cycle of guesswork and potentially ineffective efforts.

Skipping measurement isn’t just about missing out on success stories; it’s about failing to identify areas for improvement. By tracking key metrics, you can gain valuable insights into what’s working, what’s not, and what needs adjustment. This data-driven approach empowers you to optimize your social media strategy and maximize its impact on your overall business goals.


20. Focusing on vanity metrics

While measuring results is crucial in social media, focusing solely on vanity metrics is a common social media mistake. These metrics, like follower count, likes, and video views, offer a tempting glimpse of success, but ultimately, they provide little to no real business value.

Don’t dismiss them entirely. In some cases, they can offer insights. For instance, if your goal is brand awareness, a rising follower count with high engagement might be positive. However, even then, context is key. More followers with high engagement might suggest increased awareness, but how do you measure that awareness? Are they visiting your website, interacting with your brand elsewhere, or simply passively following?

Instead of relying solely on vanity metrics, focus on metrics that directly connect to your business goals. Tracking website traffic originating from social media and user engagement on your website provides a more accurate picture of your social media’s impact.

Remember, likes and shares are fleeting. Meaningful connections and conversions are what truly matter. By shifting your focus from vanity metrics to strategic measurement, you can unlock the true potential of social media and drive results that matter for your business.



The allure of likes and shares can be captivating, but remember, true social media success lies beyond fleeting trends. It’s about building genuine relationships, fostering brand loyalty, and ultimately, driving meaningful outcomes for your business.

By avoiding the common pitfalls highlighted in this guide and embracing strategic practices, you can transform your social media presence into a powerful tool that fuels your brand’s success.

So, embark on your social media adventure with confidence! Embrace experimentation, learn from your experiences, and never lose sight of the human connection at the heart of it all. By doing so, you’ll not only avoid these common mistakes but also create a social media legacy that resonates with your audience and paves the way for a thriving future.

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